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ConveyThis integrates into Joomla

Yesterday was an important day for ConveyThis Translate, because it is now listed on the second most popular platform after WordPress – Joomla. Very soon ConveyThis will become available on Shopify and BigCommerce, but today that’s  not the main point. Let’s dive a little bit into the Joomla platform and see what it’s famous for.

Joomla is one of the most popular CMSes in the world and works not much different from WordPress. It’s has similar usability and a simple way to build websites from scratch without any background in web development. It also has its own directory with thousands of free and premium extensions and plugins available for installation. In addition to this Joomla gives you the ability to create so-called “modules” for your website that could be totally unique and no other website could have.
Joomla is useful for a wide range of different site types and styles. According to the statistics of some established media resources this software is the most usable by government organizations around the world and pretty popular among educational and media sites. Some people think that it’s way better in terms of e-commerce purposes than even WP. The historical meaning of the name “Joomla” means “united” or “all together” which is the total reflection of their logo.

If you have a Joomla website and are thinking about going internationally with it, you’re in the right place. With ConveyThis you will get your website translated in five minutes and can start proofreading right away. Your personal account will help you manage all the translations through a simple interface, track your analytics data in one place and hire professional translators right from your account.

Learn more about how to integerate ConveyThis into your Joomla website in ConveyThis Blog.

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