You can copy and paste the code provided for each straight into your page or set the link up yourself, the example above each box containing code is how the link will look when up. It will vary dependent upon what styles you have on the page.
Note: click any text field to select an entire cell.
Translation services by human translators. Translation services for 100 languages and all types of documents. Website translation and localization. Over 100 languages. |
Website translation and localization. High quality translation and excellent prices for all file types including HTML, XML, ASP etc. |
Spanish translation services by human translators. Translation services for 100 languages and all types of documents. Website translation and localization. |
French translation services by human translators. Translation services for 100 languages and all types of documents. Website translation and localization. |
Language translation services by human translators. High quality translations at excellent prices. Website translation and localization. Over 100 languages. |
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