One of the most innovative new ways that hospitals are able to provide better service to more people is through the use of a medical interpreter video service. Where previously, it was often up to the patient to find and hire and coordinate with an interpreter if he or she didn't speak the same language as the hospital staff, many hospitals are now able to provide interpreting services directly to the patient through the use of remote video interpreting, making the process easier and faster than previous methods, which can be important when it comes to life and death decisions and circumstances that lead to stays and procedures in the hospital.
Rather than putting the burden on patients to find, research, agree on payments and other terms, and coordinate with an interpreter and medical staff, hospitals can now use their own internal network of interpreters working remotely and available at a moment's notice for a set price which can often be billed directly to the patient's insurance. Interpreters can be better screened using this method as well, assuring both patient and care giver alike that the translations they are receiving are accurate and appropriate for each listener.
Get QuoteIf you haven't heard of medical video interpreter services before, please visit our hospital video translation service quick-reference page for all the details on how this new service can help you and your patients, give peace of mind, and save you both time and money.
And if you still have questions on medical interpreting video services, please feel free to contact us today and we'd be happy to answer your questions and go over any details with you!